Saturday, June 23, 2007
The Fascinating History Of Hypnosis
When people think about hypnosis, an image comes to mind of aman sitting and swinging a pendulum in front of someone andsaying to them, "You are getting very sleepy." This is an imagethat has been portrayed in movies and the media for years, yetthe history of hypnosis goes back much further than most peoplerealize, and is said to be very helpful and healing in severalways. Those who have undergone hypnosis often recall eventsfrom the past that they previously had no memory of whatsoever,and this technique is often used to bring up repressed thoughtsand emotions in order to help a person overcome certain fearsor other problems. Taking a look at the history of hypnosis isboth fascinating and educational as well. Humble Beginnings: A Brief History Of Hypnosis The Hindus in India are said to be the originators of thehistory of hypnosis by using it as a health tool in which theywould take those who were ill within their village to a placedcalled a sleep temple. Likewise, this practice was used inGreece and Egypt as well. The ancient Sanskrit in a book calledthe Law of Manu spoke of different states of hypnosis; the"sleep-waking" state, the "dream-sleep" state, and the"Ecstasy-sleep" state. Inductions which were hypnotic in naturewere used to lull as person into a sleep state in order to healthem of their sickness or disease. In the late 1700's, a man named Franz Mesmer became the firstWestern scientist to become involved with hypnosis and startedresearching an effect called "animal magnetism" or "mesmerism,"which is a word still used today. He believed that this powerresided inside of humans and animals and used magnetic force asa tool in treating people. In what some consider to be the firstplacebo-controlled trial study, Benjamin Franklin conducted atrial to test the magnetic theory, and it was determined thatmesmerism was only used by the imagination. Within the historyof hypnosis, magnetic therapies are still around today as oneform of alternative medicine, yet Mesmer himself died obscurelyin 1815. Formal psychological study of hypnotism began to be studied inthe 1800's by a neurologist named Jean-Martin Charcot whoprescribed this treatment for hysteria. He also opened the way in the history of hypnosis for its usein multiple personality disorders as well. This approach isstill used today in order to help treat those who suffer withhearing voices, as it can help to sort out and relive theseproblems.About The Author: Ann Merier a prolific writer has written manyarticles about family health and house and garden Topics.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
How To Build Muscle Fast And Naturally
Optimum Anabolics, by fitness guru Jeff Anderson, is amuscle-building program that teaches you how to build musclefast with a unique approach to weightlifting and healthy eating- in fact, some people say his secrets are borderlinecontroversial because they go against what most gurus tell youto do - but they work. How does Optimum Anabolics work? It teaches you how to cycle certain weight lifting exercises,using a specific pattern of reps and weight. On top of that, italso teaches you a specific way to cycle the carbs and proteinyou eat to help fuel muscle growth. These two things combinedput your body into a state where your anabolic hormones - liketestosterone and growth hormones - are maximized resulting intofast muscle growth. ...and it's all done naturally with no illegal drugs orquestionable nutritional supplements. Some of secrets Optimum Anabolics will reveal include: * The hidden formula for "tricking" your muscles into growingfar beyond their genetic limits. * The 8 anabolic factors that must be addressed if you want topack on new muscle. * Why you should never follow the "lift big to get big"philosophy. * The 3 repetition principles that separate the men from theboys. * An unbelievable trick that guarantees you'll get the mostmuscle stimulation from every single repetition. It's all laid out for you in this eBook like a blueprint - youreceive a guide that teaches you the secrets of muscle growthand you receive a second guide that gives you the specificworkouts to do and the diet to eat. I guess this can be anegative if you don't follow instructions very well, but evenif you don't, the two guides give you an excellent startingpoint to creating your own weight lifting routine. So if you're looking to build muscle fast, why do we recommendtrying Optimum Anabolics? Because you won't find another weight lifting program like it.It's unique and proven...and it's all laid out for so you don'thave to think about what to do - just follow the guides. Theprogram attacks muscle growth from 2 angles - exercise andnutrition - and this combination is extremely synergistic. The result is muscle growth you've most likely neverexperienced before.About The Author: If you're looking to build muscle fast, youshould consider trying the Optimum Anabolics muscle-buildingprogram:
Thursday, June 7, 2007
The Green Tea/Caffeine Combination For Weight Loss
The Green Tea/Caffeine Combination For Weight LossCopyright (c) 2007 Jon M. StoutGolden Moon Teahttp://www.GoldenMoonTea.comIn recent years, the subject of green tea has garnered a greatdeal of attention. Green tea has been touted for itsanti-oxidants and their unique ability to prevent illness andfight aging. Green tea has also been purported to help withweight loss, and it has been assumed that tea's anti-oxidantswere also responsible for this benefit. However, some findingsare suggesting that it's not just the anti-oxidants alone thatmake green tea an effective weight loss supplement.It appears that it's the combination of green tea with caffeinethat works magic for weight loss. This two-fold approach of greentea's anti-oxidants (polyphenols) combined with caffeine appearto have an effect that neither substance can have on its own.Green tea's caffeine is unique, in that it doesn't appear toraise the heart rate or blood pressure the way that other formsof caffeine do. So green tea is a good choice for dieters who arecaffeine sensitive. And, we know that caffeine speeds up themetabolism, helping us to burn more calories each day. So, thecaffeine in green tea, while not appearing to significantly raisethe heart rate or blood pressure, does seem to raise themetabolic rate.Green tea also seems to be helpful for weight loss because of itspotent anti-oxidants. Tea's polyphenols have been shown to havemany health benefits because they combat free radicals in thebody that can cause cell damage. These polyphenols also seem towork with other chemicals in the body to intensify fat oxidationand thermogenesis. This creates fat burning heat in the body.Green tea's polyphenols also help depress leptin production inthe body. Leptin is a protein hormone that regulates our appetiteand our fat storage. Lower levels of leptin mean a smallerappetite, but overweight people often produce too much leptin,which may be why they eat too much. If polyphenols can decreaseyour leptin levels, then you'll eat less without dieting. Greentea may also help regulate the hormone that tells us we're full.Obese people often over produce leptin and under produce thishormone, which leads to an increase in weight.Finally, it seems that green tea can help regulate insulin in thebody, too. Green tea helps the carbohydrates that we eat bereleased more slowly, which keeps our insulin levels steady thusreducing our chances of storing fat. Steady insulin levels meanmore efficient use of carbohydrates, which makes taking weightoff and keeping it off easier. When our carbohydrates are notused properly, our insulin level drops rapidly, and we store ourfood as fat. There is also ongoing research involving how greentea might be helpful for patients with diabetes.Several studies have reached similar conclusions regarding greentea and weight loss. One of the most famous studies was conductedby Dulloo and medical associates. This study noted that greentea's polyphenols combined with caffeine produced an increase inenergy expenditure (or number of calories burned) in a 24 hourperiod in their subjects. Further, this study concluded thatneither caffeine nor green tea's polyphenols produced the sameeffect when prescribed independently.In addition, the studies have shown that when the green tearegimen ceased, the benefits ceased, as well. In some cases,higher doses of green tea were needed over time to continue theweight loss effect. This has led researchers to conclude thatgreen tea should become a lifelong habit. This finding correlateswith other studies on green tea's ability to prevent diseasessuch as cancer and heart disease. In parts of the world wheregreen tea consumption is highest, with people drinking 8-10 cupsper day nearly all of their life, the incidences of cancer andheart disease are the lowest in the world.Of course, more research is needed about the benefits of greentea in many areas of medicine. Much of the research that has beenperformed has been on laboratory rats, whose results may besomewhat different than the results on humans. Human trials onlong term use of green tea would take years to conduct and bedifficult to complete, which is why we rely on short term studiesand laboratory experiments.However, even without long term conclusive results proving thatgreen tea can help you lose weight, you have nothing to fear fromadding a daily dose of green tea to your regimen. Green tea ishealthy and has no side effects. Even those who are sensitive tocaffeine can usually tolerate green tea without problems. Even ifyou don't lose any weight, drinking green tea is a healthyalternative to sodas.And, in addition to being an overall healthy beverage, you maygain other benefits from drinking green tea. You may be reducingyour risk of cancer and heart disease. You may see your bloodpressure and cholesterol lowered and you may find it easier tolose weight. So, it seems that for all of us, green tea is ahealthy and refreshing addition to the diet.----------------------------------------------------------Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Golden MoonTea Company. For more information about tea,( green tea ( and black tea go to
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